Monday, April 26, 2010

Be Human..

Well, I am writing once again after almost 1600 days of abstinence, but yes, it kind of feels surreal. I have been staring at the screen for the last 2 hrs, not knowing what to write; or more importantly if I will really be able to write again.

Flashback:I am always someone who gives money or any other help that strangers, poor people, beggars everywhere ask me for. Knowing fully that I myself have hardly any left with me in my pockets. Many people dont. And they must have their own reasons for not doing so. I do this because I feel the little money I have is going to help me less than the other person in need, for whom every penny is like Gold. The thing is, a lot of them have started taking advantage of this and readily beg for money from anyone and everyone. And thus, the growing distrust and reluctance on the part of many who ignore such people on meeting them. But I was unaffected. Or so I thought until this happened.

I was having a cup of tea on a road-side stall and this shaaby looking man comes along and asks for Rs.10 to make a phone call. Somehow, that day I didnt feel like trusting that man and helping him. Maybe because of so many fakes doing the rounds everywhere. After being continously irritated by that man, I decided to give him the money and said, "You better use the money to make the phone call ". I knew that he wont.

But that man really did hurry up to the nearby booth, made a call, and came back to me. I could see that he was really thankful. He hugged me and said,"You are God to me !!"

I did'nt know how to react. I was shocked. Embarassed. Guilty of not trusting him. Ashamed that he thought I was God. I was saddened at how things have become. That helping others, and being compassionate has become such a rarity that when one does help,he is like God. I was being human, that's all. Our souls is what makes us humans, not our physical selves. And we can truly call ourselves humans if and when, we listen to our souls, feel it, and act towards its real purpose.

I am no God. I am just trying to be a human.
Being Human is not what you are, being human is what you do !!